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Ciera Daniel, M.Ed



Rudy Lee Daniel III, M.Div


Ciera Daniel


     Ciera Daniel is an individual who is dedicated to the fight of alleviating inequalities and improving social and public health outcomes for at-risk populations. Historically, Ciera has approached this fight through her commitment to urban education and philanthropy. She believes in empowering both children and adults in becoming aware and equipped to overcome the obstacles that they face. Ciera's main sphere of impact has been around adolescent development and education. However, her holistic commitment to the community has also led her to be a senior adviser for the Friendship Outreach Center which provides food, BGE rental assistance, workforce development, and a host of other barrier-removal support. She also is a founding committee member that works to bridge the gap between Faith Based Organizations and Sexual Health. In addition, Ciera works with government agencies to improve outcomes for at risk populations, particularly, African American males. 


       Ciera creates evidence based curriculum for global adolescents in partnership with the world’s top rated school of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University & RnD Associates Global.​ She is also a contributor to The Teen Years Explained: A Guide to Healthy Adolescent Development 2nd Edition (TTYE), published by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and The Center for Adolescent Development. In this publication, Ciera highlighted the impact that media plays in the role of adolescents. Ciera became aware of the plight of minorities who are marginalized during her acquisition of a Government and Politics degree as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, College Park. Through community service, internships, and education courses, she became knowledgeable of foundational skills necessary to serve in urban education. She went to join Teach for America Baltimore (TFA) where she taught Middle School English in the city of Baltimore at the Academy for College and Career Exploration (ACCE). In addition, Ciera served as a Program Director for Middle Grades Partnership (MGP). There, she developed a media literacy curriculum to equip minority students with the tools necessary to combat negative stereotypes that influence their self-perception and efficacy.


      As a 2017 Baltimore Corps fellow, Ciera worked with a local nonprofit, managing and mobilizing over 300 volunteers toward one mission and assisting the organization during it’s “boom” of experiencing significant financial growth whilst being met with the real challenges of restructuring staff roles, meeting the new demands and dynamics that accompany the onslaught of expectations from new funders, and building an app. She holds a Master of Science degree in Education Studies from Johns Hopkins University. Ciera studied  Nonprofit Management and Fundraising at Harvard University and has been recognized as one of George Soros’ Open Society Institute's (OSI) 2018 Community Fellows and was selected to be apart of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s inaugural cohort (2019 & 2020) of the Young Leaders Development Program. Ciera was recognized as a Baltimore Orioles 2019 Birdland Community Hero.


       Ciera has worked with the Steve & Marjorie Harvey Foundation to serve national and global adolescents at a much larger scale and learned how to partner with large brands such as Puma, Chick-fil-A, Coca-Cola, and JP Morgan Chase.


     After becoming a mom and learning that youth spend on average 15,000 hours of watching television by the time they graduate high school compared to 11,000 hours in the classroom, Ciera founded God is Here Media. God is Here Media seeks to provide media that heals the world by improving social and public health outcomes through various forms of media.

Rudy Lee Daniel III


Rudy Lee Daniel, III was born and raised in the City of Baltimore. He attended Morgan State University and graduated with his degree in Business Marketing, there he was awarded with the 2014 & 2015 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Honor.


He holds a Masters of Divinity degree at Howard University in Washington D.C. His research interests include Biblical Hebrew, Theology, Professional Leadership, and Education Philosophy. In 2019 Daniel was invited to participate in a Biblical Hebrew program at Oxford University. Daniel has a zeal for uplifting his community and works tirelessly to pour into the lives of others while assisting them with birthing their greatest potential and purpose. Daniel was also a 2018 fellow in the Bunting Neighborhood Leadership Program to further develop skills and relationships that will strengthen YKLA and the city of Baltimore.


During his time as an Executive Minister at Giant Steps Church of Baltimore and the Deputy Mayor's Office of Education, he has developed programs, curriculums, and facilitated experiences that foster youth’s character development. Daniel also supported youth and served as their spiritual support during traumatic times. He currently serves as a minister in Baltimore at Friendship Baptist Church and is an English Professor at Baltimore City Community College.


Daniel has fully immersed himself into finding solutions and empowering men to be of great character and integrity. Daniel is relentlessly doing service for his community through being a member of a Black Greek Lettered Organization, Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity Inc., Student Government Association at Howard Divinity, and becoming a Public Policy intern for Mayor Muriel Bowser in D.C. After being a Division 1 Football Athlete, Daniel has developed a passion for revealing social injustices that plague boys and men alike, particularly those within the African American community. The motto that Daniel seeks to inspire and live by is “Love God, Love People, and Prove It”. 

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